What's a Blog?
Published on May 2, 2007 By Mumblefratz In Metaverse

Please report any questions or problems with the AltMeta here.

The intent of this thread is to provide a single place for the reporting of any and all AltMeta problems. The usual disclaimers apply. The AltMeta is Kryo's personal part time project that is neither supported or endorsed by Stardock.

All AltMeta problems will be dealt with in a timely manner however everyone must realize that there are hundreds of us and only one Kryo. From my own personal experience support will almost always be quicker than anyone has a right to expect, however on the off chance that it isn't please be patient. There's no need to repeat a request. Every request will be noticed. No request will be forgotten. You may not receive acknowledgement that the issue is being worked. You may not even receive notice that the issue has been corrected. But you can be absolutely assured that the issue will be corrected.

Thank you for your support.

The new AltMeta has moved.

All sig banners and links will be automatically forwarded so this change should be totally transparent. However, there is one aspect of this move that will result in a change.

Previously, all characters that were in the top 100 official MV empires were automatically included in the AltMeta as long as they had any submitted games. This meant that any characters not in an empire or in an empire not in the top 100 have previously been excluded from the AltMeta. This was done primarily for bandwidth considerations. This wasn't a very big limitation since any character not in an empire could form their own empire and being in the top 100 official metaverse empires only required a total score of about 32K.

With the move to new hosting this is changed. To be included in the AltMeta will still require membership in an empire, but only those empires currently listed in the AltMeta will be automatically included. Any new empires will need to be manually added to the update list. All that's required is for any member of the empire to ask to be included. To ensure the quickest response it's best to make such a request to this thread, but this isn't absolutely required. All requests to be included in the ALtMeta will be honored regardless of where they're made. All in all this is an improvement since it removes any score requirement on the inclusion of new empires in the AltMeta.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Sep 28, 2008

I just posted my first Ascension game yesterday, and the AltMeta seems to be reporting it wrongly. It shows the game as a defeat (it wasn't) and the score is marked A. Universal, but it should be C. Universal. I'd be momentarily in 3rd place C. Universal if the game had posted as I expected it to.

Or did I miss some AltMeta discussion about tagging Ascension wins as military b/c they have more favor in the scoring formula? IIRC, they get a bonus about halfway to what a war win gets.

on Sep 28, 2008

Argh, yeah, I still haven't gotten to add those in yet, so the behavior of Ascension games is undefined.

on Sep 28, 2008

Ok, got it done. Ascension is in Mil categories for the time being. Should handle Immense maps right now too.

on Sep 28, 2008

Ascension is in Mil categories for the time being.

Hmph. I probably wouldn't have bothered if I'd known that.

Should handle Immense maps right now too.

I see "undefined" now instead of "Defeat." It's an improvement... 

on Sep 29, 2008

Where are you seeing that?



Re the military thing, that's obviously open to discussion. Putting it in civil (besides that it would potentially overpower all the other civil options due to the score multiplier) would require the formulas to all be updated too in addition to simply adding support to recognize the new options, so military is just it by default.

on Sep 29, 2008

Where are you seeing that?

Yesterday, it was there, but today it says "Ascension." Maybe I had a browser burp or something.

Re the category for the win type, I suppose I shouldn't have said anything. I can imagine all sorts of railing about TA players having an advantage in the C. ladders, and it just doesn't seem worth a ruckus.

The main thing I got from the learning I did during the MVC days was that the built-in war bias just doesn't suit my taste for the game. Hopefully GCIII will be win-type neutral, and maybe I'll finally try for a deliberate war win under GCII 2.0 (it *should* cost fewer clicks) so that little Ascension bump doesn't sit there alone.

on Sep 29, 2008

Yesterday, it was there, but today it says "Ascension." Maybe I had a browser burp or something.

Probably had the javascript cached then, I had to update it as well.

on Oct 14, 2008

Dog of Justice:

I submitted a game on May 2nd, and the resubmitted the same game yesterday (you get one chance to do this) after milking it for score. The official metaverse updated my score for the game, while the AltMeta didn't.


Yes, the altmeta doesn't record resubmissions at the moment. If I can figure a way to do that without having to reupdate *every* game a player has ever played each time their score changes, I'll add it.

Hi Kryo.

I'm just curious as to whether this will change in the near future.
I normally don't resubmit a game, but just for the hell of it, I tried it on my last game and roughly doubled my "official" Metaverse score for that particular submission.

I'm not sure how often people take advantage of this second chance thing, but at times it can really make a difference in score... would be nice if it also carried over to the AltMeta as well.

In a similar boat myself, any chance of of the alt-meta counting resubmissions Kryo?

on Oct 15, 2008

It wouldn't be too difficult code-wise given some other changes that I'd made more recently than the last time that was brought up, but, looking at the update log, the metaverse server has been not entirely responsive of late, and I'm hesitant to do anything that will make the update process even more difficult for it.

on Oct 15, 2008

I've noticed too Kryo.  The MV updates have not been consistent for a couple weeks.  I've even noticed empire scores fluctuating up & down throughout the entire day...very strange.  I didnt mention it, because I assumed you were tinkering around with something.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...

on Oct 15, 2008

The fluctuation is probably due to the length of time the updates take when the metaverse is being uncooperative. If you check the log there, you'll see it can take upwards of half an hour to an hour before it finally calls it quits (when everything is working properly, an update usually takes less than three minutes).

on Oct 15, 2008

Glad to hear that it should be easy to implement, hopefully the metaverse server just needs a simple reboot or something.  And it'd be nice to have my extra 500,000 points applied to the altmeta, the Galactic Diplomats could use it too!


on Oct 15, 2008

And I guess the signature code labeled "SD forums" is no longer the one to use, tesing BBCode:

Nope, the SDfourms one works, you just have to higlght all the text and click the "unlink" icon in the toolbar...

on Oct 29, 2008

Kryo, could you please add Klingon Imperial Empire to the AM? Also, if you have a moment i (Kahless) set the empire up, uploaded the logo as usual, but after 2 days now the logo still does not show up on the empires page.

Is there something going on with the MV not updateing images or is there an issue with the image itslef?

Cheers mate.

on Oct 29, 2008


uploaded the logo as usual, but after 2 days now the logo still does not show up on the empires page.

A klingon logo is showing on the empire page, but not the character pages, is that what you mean?

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