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Published on May 2, 2007 By Mumblefratz In Metaverse

Please report any questions or problems with the AltMeta here.

The intent of this thread is to provide a single place for the reporting of any and all AltMeta problems. The usual disclaimers apply. The AltMeta is Kryo's personal part time project that is neither supported or endorsed by Stardock.

All AltMeta problems will be dealt with in a timely manner however everyone must realize that there are hundreds of us and only one Kryo. From my own personal experience support will almost always be quicker than anyone has a right to expect, however on the off chance that it isn't please be patient. There's no need to repeat a request. Every request will be noticed. No request will be forgotten. You may not receive acknowledgement that the issue is being worked. You may not even receive notice that the issue has been corrected. But you can be absolutely assured that the issue will be corrected.

Thank you for your support.

The new AltMeta has moved.

All sig banners and links will be automatically forwarded so this change should be totally transparent. However, there is one aspect of this move that will result in a change.

Previously, all characters that were in the top 100 official MV empires were automatically included in the AltMeta as long as they had any submitted games. This meant that any characters not in an empire or in an empire not in the top 100 have previously been excluded from the AltMeta. This was done primarily for bandwidth considerations. This wasn't a very big limitation since any character not in an empire could form their own empire and being in the top 100 official metaverse empires only required a total score of about 32K.

With the move to new hosting this is changed. To be included in the AltMeta will still require membership in an empire, but only those empires currently listed in the AltMeta will be automatically included. Any new empires will need to be manually added to the update list. All that's required is for any member of the empire to ask to be included. To ensure the quickest response it's best to make such a request to this thread, but this isn't absolutely required. All requests to be included in the ALtMeta will be honored regardless of where they're made. All in all this is an improvement since it removes any score requirement on the inclusion of new empires in the AltMeta.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 11, 2007
Yeah, but I followed those things (only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, ., -) and it still won't work.

What web browser are you using? That might also have an effect if it's an older one not fully supported by the wbesite.
on Aug 07, 2007
Kryo can you please add another new empire, Drittes Reich Gestiegen.
I left a post on the other thread. Should have read this fist.
Almost in 100 currently No. 107.
Thanks, You're doing a great job.
on Aug 08, 2007
Umm, what's with the Nazi theme, cliff1066?
on Aug 08, 2007
We don't need another nazi empire in the world.
on Aug 08, 2007
I was playing as Evil, and what was more evil than the Nazi's.
AAlso at the time could not think of a better theme.
on Aug 08, 2007
I was playing as Evil, and what was more evil than the Nazi's.
AAlso at the time could not think of a better theme.

If it's a matter of spending a slight bit of effort to think of a better theme then I would suggest that it might be best if you took a moment and gave it a little bit of thought.

There are, to say the very least, a few folks that have taken extreme offense to the "theme" of your empire. While it's true that nazi's may be representative of evil, there are a fair amount of folks that really don't appreciate the reference regardless of whether it's meant as a joke or not.

I also know that a number of people have taken offense to this and have made official complaint to Stardock about it.

If your intent was indeed not insidious then you would be wise to make the change quickly. Failing to do so would most likely indicate that your true intent all along was to cause offense.
on Aug 08, 2007
I personaly dont take offense, but I would think of something completely different so as not to offend some of the people here. How about the new Axis as Bush puts it, or just simply the Canadians as Southpark will have you believe   
on Aug 08, 2007
Sure I would be willing to change, Can I chang the name and the characters without loosing the games/rank. If anyone has suggestions pleas feel free to make suggestions. I did not mean to offend anyone.
on Aug 09, 2007
Sure I would be willing to change, Can I chang the name and the characters without loosing the games/rank. If anyone has suggestions pleas feel free to make suggestions. I did not mean to offend anyone.

The Huns or the Romans, Margaret Thatcher (Dont Falk with me Argentina) Just a few   
on Aug 09, 2007
Well I've changed to The Dalek Empire.
In the past I have played war games as the Germans and carried the theme across. No intention of offending anyone. Now a space related theme, Evil Daleks from Doctor Who TV series. Thanks for your suggestions.
on Aug 09, 2007

Too many have started a Nazi themed empire and have really only had the intent of starting a flame war or the shock factor on their mind.

Kudos to you for not being one of them and i hope you enjoy your Metaverse experiance.

on Aug 09, 2007
Daleks have been added and should appear after the altmeta runs its next update.
on Aug 09, 2007
Well I've changed to The Dalek Empire.
In the past I have played war games as the Germans and carried the theme across. No intention of offending anyone.

That's good to see. Thanks.
on Aug 14, 2007
Please add the Kzinti Empire to the AltMeta. We hope to find interesting prey here.

Sentient species taste better... Sentient species taste better...

on Aug 19, 2007
Congrats to the two new joining empires

And I am glad to see the issue resolved constructively with benifit to both sides
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