What's a Blog?
Published on May 2, 2007 By Mumblefratz In Metaverse

Please report any questions or problems with the AltMeta here.

The intent of this thread is to provide a single place for the reporting of any and all AltMeta problems. The usual disclaimers apply. The AltMeta is Kryo's personal part time project that is neither supported or endorsed by Stardock.

All AltMeta problems will be dealt with in a timely manner however everyone must realize that there are hundreds of us and only one Kryo. From my own personal experience support will almost always be quicker than anyone has a right to expect, however on the off chance that it isn't please be patient. There's no need to repeat a request. Every request will be noticed. No request will be forgotten. You may not receive acknowledgement that the issue is being worked. You may not even receive notice that the issue has been corrected. But you can be absolutely assured that the issue will be corrected.

Thank you for your support.

The new AltMeta has moved.

All sig banners and links will be automatically forwarded so this change should be totally transparent. However, there is one aspect of this move that will result in a change.

Previously, all characters that were in the top 100 official MV empires were automatically included in the AltMeta as long as they had any submitted games. This meant that any characters not in an empire or in an empire not in the top 100 have previously been excluded from the AltMeta. This was done primarily for bandwidth considerations. This wasn't a very big limitation since any character not in an empire could form their own empire and being in the top 100 official metaverse empires only required a total score of about 32K.

With the move to new hosting this is changed. To be included in the AltMeta will still require membership in an empire, but only those empires currently listed in the AltMeta will be automatically included. Any new empires will need to be manually added to the update list. All that's required is for any member of the empire to ask to be included. To ensure the quickest response it's best to make such a request to this thread, but this isn't absolutely required. All requests to be included in the ALtMeta will be honored regardless of where they're made. All in all this is an improvement since it removes any score requirement on the inclusion of new empires in the AltMeta.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Sep 05, 2009
Welcome to your empire to both the Metaverse and AltMeta, Robert!

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...

on Sep 12, 2009

@ Kryo   May you please add the player "Obiwan" to AltMeta or see if that player is already there?

Thank you

Edit:  Oopps that player is already added

Thank you for your time

on Dec 29, 2009


I am new so I am not sure if this is supposed to go here but I am having a problem with the metaverse. I am trying to make a character so that I can access the metaverse and after I add everything in I click create character and a little box shows up that says Processing Data. I waited for over an hour for it to process and nothing happens. Is it a error, or am I supposed to wait longer?

on Dec 29, 2009

It seems to have been not been letting people create characters for a few days.  Stardock is aware of the problem and should hopefully be fixing it soon.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...

on Feb 10, 2010

@ Kryo   May you please add the player "AlphaLegion" to AltMeta or see if that player is already there?

Thank you

on Feb 10, 2010

So long as it's in an empire that is already set to scan, any new members should be picked up when the altmeta updates.

on Feb 10, 2010

@ Kryo

I am sorry, I guess I didn't wait long enough. I don't know how often altmeta updates.

Thank you for checking into it and being on top of things.

on May 24, 2011

Hi, I made alot of stuff on the editor for the Ultimate Edition and, how do I play it? And when I got play a scenario, after the civilization picking screen, not that I do anything there, anyway, after that on the loading screen, the game just automaticly [typo] turns itself off. Why so? Thanks and if I was hateful anywhere sorry. Have fun playing.

on Apr 24, 2012

Kryo, could you please add my empire to the Altmeta scan list?

The One

on Apr 24, 2012

Added and forced an update. Your image isn't showing up though since it doesn't match the empire name (was your empire formerly named "Test Only"?). You may need to re-upload the image to get it to name itself properly on the meta server so it pulls over, if that matters to you.

on Apr 25, 2012

Yeah. Thanks.  I removed and uploaded the image and it apparently took it right away which was somewhat surprising. I thought it would have to wait for the next Altmeta update.

I didn't realize that the Altmeta would remember all my old games even though I've reset my character. That's cool.

on Jun 17, 2012

Does the Altmeta pick up on resubmits?

Basically I'd like to submit my game at the end of year zero to qualify for a zero year win and then later submit the same game carried out to maximum score. However once all the dust settles I'd like the AltMeta to display the final score for the game as opposed to the year zero score.

Can this be done?

on Jun 17, 2012

Does the Altmeta pick up on resubmits?

No, whatever is up when it scrapes it the first time is what it stays as.

on Jun 17, 2012

No, whatever is up when it scrapes it the first time is what it stays as.
OK. Good to know. I think I'll let the ZYW slide this time.



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