What's a Blog?
Published on May 2, 2007 By Mumblefratz In Metaverse

Please report any questions or problems with the AltMeta here.

The intent of this thread is to provide a single place for the reporting of any and all AltMeta problems. The usual disclaimers apply. The AltMeta is Kryo's personal part time project that is neither supported or endorsed by Stardock.

All AltMeta problems will be dealt with in a timely manner however everyone must realize that there are hundreds of us and only one Kryo. From my own personal experience support will almost always be quicker than anyone has a right to expect, however on the off chance that it isn't please be patient. There's no need to repeat a request. Every request will be noticed. No request will be forgotten. You may not receive acknowledgement that the issue is being worked. You may not even receive notice that the issue has been corrected. But you can be absolutely assured that the issue will be corrected.

Thank you for your support.

The new AltMeta has moved.

All sig banners and links will be automatically forwarded so this change should be totally transparent. However, there is one aspect of this move that will result in a change.

Previously, all characters that were in the top 100 official MV empires were automatically included in the AltMeta as long as they had any submitted games. This meant that any characters not in an empire or in an empire not in the top 100 have previously been excluded from the AltMeta. This was done primarily for bandwidth considerations. This wasn't a very big limitation since any character not in an empire could form their own empire and being in the top 100 official metaverse empires only required a total score of about 32K.

With the move to new hosting this is changed. To be included in the AltMeta will still require membership in an empire, but only those empires currently listed in the AltMeta will be automatically included. Any new empires will need to be manually added to the update list. All that's required is for any member of the empire to ask to be included. To ensure the quickest response it's best to make such a request to this thread, but this isn't absolutely required. All requests to be included in the ALtMeta will be honored regardless of where they're made. All in all this is an improvement since it removes any score requirement on the inclusion of new empires in the AltMeta.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 20, 2007
My opinion on the whole Nazi issue is that yes it can be offensive to have an empire based on that regime, but in an open & free society the solution is not to censor such things, for not only does it go against the very values of such a society, suppression only lends power, and generates interest, in the very thing you are trying to censor. If it was a powerless idea/image/idealogy, theoretically there would be no need to suppress it. In trying so stridently to avoid offending anyone, we tend to want to avoid speaking of evil things that have happened in human history, but to sweep it under the rug or ignore it usually has the opposite effect. The best way to avoid similar things happening in the future is to study and confront such evil.

Back to the original issue about the empire... To put things in context a little bit. My ancestry is half Polish, and the Nazis took a very heavy toll on that country. I know that some of my more distant relatives perished during WWII under their yoke, so I do have some personal investment in the question. I would not find the existence of a Nazi Empire in the metaverse to be too offensive to let it exist, partially because its a game and people play evil empires all the time, albeit fictional ones. But I would never join such an empire, nor encourage anyone else to do so. If someone really wanted to form one then I'd let them be, but they better be prepared to take a lot of crap from many people.

Sentient species taste better... Sentient species taste better...
on Oct 06, 2007
Please accept the empire "MV League" into altmeta. I would really hate to lose my 1st place (in a lousy category, but still). Thank you!
on Oct 06, 2007
Please accept the empire "MV League" into altmeta. I would really hate to lose my 1st place (in a lousy category, but still). Thank you!
There are no lousy categories. Certainly one of many points that the AltMeta was meant to address is that all games have value and that even though people that play the MV tend to be score oriented they can also realize that score isn't everything.

Certainly that's also been a part of the Metaverse League as well. The value of any game from smallest to largest is only in how much fun you get from playing it. You could score a million points in a game and if you didn't have fun doing it then it's worthless.
on Oct 13, 2007
The AltMeta seems to be having a problem with my Plebor Pyrate Character. I couldn't find him in any list or in The Tyranny of Evil which he is a member. I used the search and it found the character, but it doesn't display the name or Avatar, nor shows him in an Empire. I grabbed a pic, but imageshack is acting all messed up at the moment. It's easy to find with just a search for the name Plebor though.

Edit:Correction, it just shows him #1 in empire, suggesting the AltMeta is reading the charcter as being in it's own empire or something.
on Oct 13, 2007
Very weird. For some reason it was simply not adding that character (and a few others) into the roster table. Fiddled around with it a bit, deleted the empires' roster a few times and rebuilt it, and it started working, even though I hadn't changed the code....
on Oct 13, 2007
Thanks for the quick reply and fix  . Not sure how long it had been that way because I was focusing on my other character and that one was ok the whole time.
on Oct 13, 2007
Fiddled around with it a bit, deleted the empires' roster a few times and rebuilt it, and it started working, even though I hadn't changed the code....

I went to a semi-fancy college and learned a very fancy phrase that might apply: "emergent properties of whole systems." Also known as gremlins, bugs, unintended outcomes, minds, accidents, life...
on Oct 13, 2007
Please leave in low end 64x64 as an option at least - I'd love to play a large or huge map DA game on my computer without spending a few 100 bucks on hardware.

Edit: Wrong thread  sorry
on Jul 13, 2008
Please add "The League of Robot Rulers" to the altmeta. I believe ranked 86 last I posted. Thanks. Commboru
on Jul 13, 2008
Hey commboru, good luck with the League of Robot Rulers!

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Jul 13, 2008
Hey commboru, good luck with the League of Robot Rulers! Sentient species taste better...

yes indeed the Confederation welcomes you as well.
on Jul 13, 2008
Sentient Robots Taste like pocket change and are tough to chew, but give it a try and tell me what you think. 
on Jul 18, 2008
Please add Galactic Stargate Command its currently ranked 10. Thanks Harborne
on Aug 02, 2008
Dog of Justice:
I submitted a game on May 2nd, and the resubmitted the same game yesterday (you get one chance to do this) after milking it for score. The official metaverse updated my score for the game, while the AltMeta didn't.

Yes, the altmeta doesn't record resubmissions at the moment. If I can figure a way to do that without having to reupdate *every* game a player has ever played each time their score changes, I'll add it.

Hi Kryo.

I'm just curious as to whether this will change in the near future.
I normally don't resubmit a game, but just for the hell of it, I tried it on my last game and roughly doubled my "official" Metaverse score for that particular submission.

I'm not sure how often people take advantage of this second chance thing, but at times it can really make a difference in score... would be nice if it also carried over to the AltMeta as well.
on Sep 02, 2008


I'm new to all this. I just got GC2 Bundle two days ago and the DL was 28 hours

Help please me or tell me where to go,  I have two empires. One is in a glitch and one is the one I don't want.

I like to have back "Blood Angels" Empire which is the one with my chacarter that is in.

How do I delete "What happen" Empire , yes that is what it says. Don't ask me when I open "Blood Angels" Empire it says "What happen" Empire .

I found "Blood Angels" Empire rank 1348 but there is no "What happen" Empire

I put a post up called "What happen?" about this but no results yet so may you read it.

Help I need



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