I know this isn't a bug with GalCiv2, but it is GalCiv2 that requires the larger than default virtual memory size. I've searched the internet to no avail and was hoping that someone here may have experienced the same problem.
My WinXP recommend page size of 765MB (~1.5 X my 512MB ram) is too small for even large galaxies let alone huge. So I go to My_Computer/Properties/Advanced/Setting/Virtual_Memory/Change and set the custom size for my C: drive (my only drive) to a min and max of 4095MB. Increasing the Virtual memory size doesn't require a reboot, but the "Total paging file size for all drives" and the size of pagefile.sys remains unchanged at 765MB. If I reboot there's no change.
If instead I set the C: drive for no paging file this requires a reboot. Now when I reboot the pagefile.sys is gone and both the C: page file size and "Total paging file size for all drives" all agree that there's no page file. If I now set the C: drive page file to 4095-4095MB the "Total paging..." actually changes to 4095MB (this appears to be the max value) and the size of the new pagefile.sys is approximately 4GB. So far so good. Now I can actually run the game. But once I reboot I'm back to square one with the "Total paging..." and the actual pagefile.sys sized to 765MB.
I found a few threads on the net that deal with the problem. Most of the threads devolve into why you really shouldn't change the default page file size and you must be doing something wrong or you need to re-install the OS and all your apps and hope it goes away.
Some more useful threads suggest it's an issue with virus/firewall software (Norton in particular). I've disabled my Computer Associates software (along with the host of processes and services it spawns). No help. Some also suggest a procedure of deleting then recreating the pagefile (as I have done) and then defragging the drive (and in particular the pagefile) with speed disk or equivilent. Been there, done that, no help.
Anyone have any clues?